
1 min readJan 8, 2022


I used to write more last year. It wasn’t much, but it was way better than this. Just imagine, this is my first story here in over a year.

Oh, I just remembered that I started a newsletter to talk about clothes and I haven’t stopped yet.

Like a lot of other things in my life, I struggle with wanting my writing to be as close to perfection as possible so I end up not publishing anything. But I was talking to my manager and I realized that I was overthinking the whole thing. I had the epiphany right on the call without him needing to say a word, so I promised myself, that I’ll share more. It doesn’t have to be about work or design. In fact, I don’t want to be about that, I need it to be about many other things because I’m even though I’m more than the sum of many parts, I’m still made up of those parts.

So here’s me, promising and hoping to keep to the promise to write more on Medium in the coming months.

See you soon

P.S. In the spirit of sharing more, here’s my second drawing on Procreate

